Conference Program
CONFERENCE DAY 1: Monday 29th November
12.00 - 12.15pm Welcoming Address: Patrick Jory, President, AMSEAS
12.15 - 12.50pm Keynote Address: Nick Cheesman: “Mainland Southeast Asia:
Control and Resistance”
12.50 - 1.00pm Break
1.00 - 2.20 pm PANEL 1: Authoritarianism and Resistance
CHAIR: Melissa Curley, University of Queensland
Uniformity to Resist: Ruptures and Solidarity among Thai Pro-Democracy Protestors
Wichuta Teeratanabodee, Nanyang Technological University
Does Regime Matter? Reconsidering Thailand’s Democratic Recession from Below
Suthikarn Meechan, University of Canterbury
Regime Crisis and State Mobilisation: The Case of Cambodia
Mun Vong, Griffith University
2.20 - 2.30pm Break
2.30 - 3.50pm PANEL 2: Authoritarian Institutions
CHAIR: Simon Creak, Nanyang Technological University
Rule of Law for Political Gain: Trends in Civil Society in Lao PDR
Andrea Haefner, Griffith University
Fighting the Pandemic like Fighting the Enemy: Vietnam’s Securitization of COVID-19
Phan Xuan Dung, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
To Minh Son, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Quah Say Jye, National University of Singapore.
Power before Education: The Authoritarianism of a Thai University
Matthew Kosuta, Independent Scholar
3.50 - 4.00pm Break
4.00 - 5.20pm PANEL 3: Media Activism and Access
CHAIR: Arjun Subrahmanyan, Murdoch University
Breaking News Taboos: The Politics of Social News and Thailand’s 2020 Protests
Sippachai Kunnuwong, Sungkonghoe University
Vietnam's Media in the Oil Rig Crisis
Le Thi My Danh, FPT University
Bridging the Digital Divide: Reducing Digital Inequalities in Vietnam via ICT Access and Usage
Khang Pham Minh, Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Tai Quoc Nguyen, Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities
CONFERENCE DAY 2: Tuesday 30th November
11.00am - 12.40pm PANEL 4: China and Mainland Southeast Asia: History
CHAIR: Marnie Feneley, University of New South Wales
Hegemonic Imaginings: Revisiting Historical Discourse about Chinese Colonialism in Nanyang, 1905-1940
Ruixin Yang & Yuhang Yu, Independent scholars
Kirin in the Chinthe’s Territory: The Presence of Chinese Films in British Burma, 1925-1927
Yongchun Fu, NingboTech University
Revisiting Miscellaneous Notes on the Southern Seas: A Nineteenth Century Chinese Official Visits Vietnam
Josh Stenberg, University of Sydney
Old Burmese Weights were not Opium Weights. They were Weights. What Else do we Know about Them?
Bob Hudson, University of Sydney
12.40 - 12.50pm Break
12.50 - 2.10pm PANEL 5: China and Mainland Southeast Asia: The Present
CHAIR: Patrick Jory, University of Queensland
Patriots Abroad: Imperialism, Grand Strategy, and Capitalism in China’s Activities in Mainland Southeast Asia
Gregory V. Raymond, Australian National University
Cambodia-China Relations: From a Critical State Theory Perspective
Sreang Chheat, University of Queensland
Angstful Aspirants: Ethnic Minority Uplanders in Far-North Laos are Greeting China’s Rise with a Compelling Cocktail of Aspiration, Awe, Angst and Ambivalence
Paul-David Lutz, The University of Sydney
2.10 - 2.20pm Break
2.20 - 4.00pm PANEL 6: Labour, Development, Migration
CHAIR: Gerard McCarthy, National University of Singapore
Labour and Electoral Politics in Cambodia
Kristy Ward and Michele Ford, University of Sydney
Processes and Pathways of Vietnamese Migration to Australia: A Network-Based Approach
Lan Anh Hoang, University of Melbourne
Challenges in Managing Undocumented Migrant Workers under the New Law on Contract-based Vietnamese Overseas Workers: A Case Study of Runaway Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Japan -
Nguyen Thuy Duong, Hanoi Law University
Exclusive Urbanism: Development and Privatisation in Vientiane
Kesone Kanhalikham, National University of Laos
Kearrin Sims, James Cook University
4.00 - 4.10pm Break
4.10 - 5.30pm PANEL 7: Environmental Activism
CHAIR: Justine Chambers, Australian National University
Towards the ‘Expanded Field’ of Environmental Activism in Cambodia
Stephanie Benzaquen-Gautier, University of Nottingham
Plastic Constellations and Actor Insights in Thailand
Achmad Firas Khudi, Chiang Mai University
Learning to Transform Bangkok: The Roles of Thai CSOs in Transnational Knowledge Flows
Chieh-Ming Lai, University of Sydney
5.30 - 5.40pm Closing Remarks: Melissa Curley, University of Queensland